Salaam Takaful Limited becomes a part of Auto Insurance Repository
Salaam Takaful Limited becomes the first takaful operator to be a part of the Auto Insurance Repository initiative of the Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited. Mr. Nayyar Hussain and Mr. Wajahat Khwaja represented Salaam Takaful Limited at the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The Auto Insurance Repository is a significant step forward in the auto insurance and takaful industry, aiming to improve underwriting, reduce risk, and streamline access to essential information, thereby enabling insurers to make informed decisions before binding customers and issuing policies. It will also bring transparency, speed, and convenience to the industry, aligning with the objectives of Ease of Doing Business (EODB) and enhanced consumer protection.
These steps underscore the importance of innovation and partnership in the industry. By working together, we aim to create a comprehensive and efficient repository system that will streamline auto insurance processes and provide greater ease and accessibility for our valued customers.
We are excited about the opportunities this collaboration will bring and look forward to contributing to the development of a robust Auto Insurance Repository.